Saturday, May 1, 2010

Are we wasting our youth?

Yesterday while chatting with an old school friend of me,he simply remarked that we are wasting our youth.
Later I thought about it a lot.Currently I am staying in a different country far away from my family,my friends and learning the cruelty of loneliness with every passing day.Every single day simply adds to this without any glorification.But do I have any other option?That is the question I used to ask my inner soul every now and then.......without getting any satisfying answer.
I am not that heroic like the people who devoted and sacrificed their career in the pursuit of bringing the radical change in the society.I am definitely not that type--I am not that idealistic,not that fearless,not that dreamer---i am just a petty mediocre---so what else I can do about my miserable life?
May be I am destined to live this kind of life--so stop remorsing--and accept this is the path you have to lead-------------------------

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